Kat Mulholland
Massage Therapist & Owner of Union Wellness Tacoma
60 minutes $110
90 minutes $150
Katherine is an experienced and dedicated massage therapist with over a decade of knowledge and expertise. Through years of education and practice, she has honed her massage technique into a fusion of modalities. Such modalities include: myofascial release, somassage, targeted deep tissue techniques & cupping therapy.
Her approach is rooted in meeting clients exactly where they are on their pursuit of feeling better. Whether you seek a deep or gentle session, her goal is to provide therapeutic relief and support your unique needs.
First Visit 90 minutes $150
Return Vist 60 minutes $110
Mayan Abdominal Therapy is a non-invasive massage technique that focuses on alleviating tension and fascial restrictions within the abdominal muscles and ligaments. This therapy may be beneficial for individuals dealing with abdominal discomfort, reproductive issues, and digestive conditions.
This massage may address a range of conditions, such as:
* Painful or irregular menstrual cycles
* Pelvic pain
* Chronic bladder or yeast inflammation
* History of miscarriages
* Post-surgery scar tissue recovery
* Endometriosis
* Menopausal symptoms
* Ovarian cysts and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
* Uterine or bladder prolapse
* Digestive disorders
Although the central focus of the session revolves around the abdomen, Katherine also dedicates time to work on the lumbar muscles, sacral ligaments, and gluteal muscles. This comprehensive approach aims to achieve balance and well-being throughout the pelvic region.
Additionally, clients are taught how to perform the abdominal self-care massage at home. This self-care practice extends the benefits of the therapy between sessions.
It's important to note that Mayan Abdominal Therapy is contraindicated in certain circumstances, such as when:
* Menstruation is currently active
* The client is in the first trimester of pregnancy
* An intrauterine device (IUD) is in place
* Recent abdominal surgery has occurred (within the last 6 weeks)
* There is an active and acute infection
* An abdominal aneurysm is present
* There is an active infection or cancer in the pelvic area
* The client is undergoing chemotherapy
60 minutes $110
90 minutes $150
A therapeutic massage focused on alleviating pain caused by pregnancy. Research has shown that prenatal massage can improve labor outcomes, assist in minimizing mood swings, increase blood and lymph circulation and decrease the effects of prenatal maternal stress on infants.
Contact Kat
711 St Helens Ave, Suite 103B